How to Take Care of Mounded Lovebird to Quickly Finish


In carrying out chirping birds, especially lovebird birds, of course in doing their treatment different from the condition of the bird itself, such as lovebird puppies or balibu, the marriage process, train the chirping sound until the time of moult.

In its care, of course, for lovebird owners, they are eager to have a good long-lasting quality to have on their favorite lovebird, but when they get it, don't just stop, but how to maintain the quality of the chirp and also improve the sound quality of the chirping.

However, when the bird has a good chirp, of course when the mabung process takes place it will certainly make it lazy to sing and choose to keep quiet a lot.

However, for lovebird bird owners, there is no need to worry about their birds rarely singing when moult, because this is a scientific thing that will happen to lovebird birds who are mingling.

With a lot of silence and rarely singing, it is certainly a good thing, because when birds are in a state of moult, it is not good for the moult process. And one of the lovebird is still diligent in singing during mabung, meaning lovebird is in a state of lust. Therefore, it is important to maintain the condition of lovebird lust to be stable, so that the moult process is not interrupted and fur growth becomes slow.


In every lovebird treatment, as mentioned above, it must be differentiated according to various things, such as in the moult process, so that the moult process becomes perfect, as it should.



In conditions not moult, the lovebird can be dried every day, which is adjusted to the condition of the bird, can be once a day or 2 times a day. However, when birds are in a state of mourning, it is best to avoid drying it, because it can affect the quality of their feathers when they grow back and the moult process will last longer than they should.

In addition, by drying lovebird during moult, it will make the moisture of bird feathers dry. Even though moist bird feathers can make the hair removal process work properly.


Giving the extracting can be given to lovebird while the mabung process will be finished, but it is recommended to give extrafooding to lovebird the completion of the moult process.

Feeds that can be given to lovebird during mabung include, such as sweet corn, cucumber and kale. But not too much feeding, because it is worried that birds will become lust. The feeding of the extracting food has a role to help the process of mooring and also the growth of the hair is nourished from the feed, so that it grows well.


Although lovebird at the time of moult requires moisture to stay awake, but to avoid bathing it, because it can make lovebird feathers tough and also inhibit the moult process.

Bathe the lovebird when the bird's feathers begin to grow back which is marked with needle feathers that begin to grow around the body.


When bird feathers begin to fall out, body temperature is greatly affected by environmental conditions because the fur that protects it from falling out and makes its body temperature need protection by using krodong to layered.

Using krodong means that it has benefits that can maintain normal body temperature or help warm body temperature.

However, at any time while mengrodong lovebird, it can store it in a place that has a gentle breeze, to make it comfortable. Or it could be by opening the krodong once in a while in the morning and evening.


Whatever the type of birds chirping, when the process of moult, it is very important to get ketengan so as not to make it feel disturbed and also stressed. Because when lovebird becomes stressful when moult, it will disrupt the moult process.


Maintaining the cleanliness of the cage is very important to do, whether it's when lovebird is not mingling and even more so when saving. Because by keeping the cages and birds clean, they will avoid various kinds of diseases, such as microbes, parasites and fleas that might attack lovebird skins that are moult.

By doing the steps mentioned above about how to treat lovebird mabung, hopefully the moult process can run properly and the fur will grow strong and shiny.


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